Jaden and I have started taking Hap Ki Do, a form of martial arts. How did we get into this you ask? It all started on our quest to find what interested Jaden. We tried gymnastics and we tried a beginning sports class. He didn't like either one. But then his preschool class went on a field trip to a Martial Arts studio, where they learned a few defensive moves on how to get away from a stranger. After that he couldn't stop talking about "karate."
We found a place that seemed reasonably priced and it was a family class. We thought maybe if Charles or I took the class with him that maybe he would do better. Well, Charles (even though he is the more experienced one, having done Judo as a kid) was unable to participate due to his school schedule, so that left me. I planned on going only until Jaden was comfortable enough to go by himself... but it really grew on me! It's so fun! Jaden loves it and is the youngest kid in the class. I, on most days am the oldest.
The kids are all really respectful and encouraging, so it has been great for Jaden to learn from their examples. It took us about 5 weeks of doing lots of chores to earn our uniforms, and it was worth it. I love how they make the kids "earn" everything.
Jaden learned really quickly how to count in Korean and has already taught Kaleb... and Alli and Kare! He also teaches Bradley some moves. Here is a video of Jaden teaching Bradley a Spear Punch. "Block... trap... strike!"
Jaden has started his first year of soccer. His team is called "The Creamsicles" and he is number 11... good number.
Here's a video of Jaden practicing in the backyard with Charles before the game.
So far he has had 2 games. At this age they don't have practices, they just meet for the game and run around in a "bunch" hoping to move the ball into the goals. It's a riot to watch. Some of the kids are still learning not to use hands. And many of them have a parent out there holding their hand, and whipping them across the field. :)
Well, we think Jaden has done very well. We were afraid he would sit out and just not participate, but he has surprised us. He runs around with the bunch, and kicks the ball... if it comes to him.
Jaden prefers to hang out in the back of the bunch, he's definitely not a ball hog! On his first game he scored a goal!! It was an Own Goal, but still a goal! We cheered nice and loud for him! We didn't care if he scored for his team or the other team... we were just proud of him for knowing the ball needed to go in the net, and for taking the initiative to put it there! We can work on direction later. :)
Here's a video of Jaden taking a goal kick... and then chilling in the back... as the other team scores.
And, here is the most exciting part.. the end-of the-game treats! It makes it all worth it... for Kaleb!
Jaden is learning to read. We have promised him that if he can get through 100 lessons, then we will take him to Disneyland.
He's getting close to 70! So if anyone wants to come, we're looking to go in October. Possibly July, but most likely October. We try to do one lesson each day while Kaleb takes a nap... It's amazing to see him begin to read words on his own while we're out driving. Last week he saw a sign and said, "Smmm...Smi...Smit... Smitt....no, Smith, Smith's!" I was really impressed. What can I say... I'm a proud Mama!
The other day Jaden asked me if he could make his OWN lunch. I asked him what he wanted to make and he said a Peanut Butter Sandwich. Well, why not? Here's how he did. Doesn't he look so proud of his work?
This is GREAT! Now he just needs to learn grilled cheese and he can take care of himself AND Kaleb! Sweet.
ReplyDeleteI had soccer ball, too. I had a peanut butter sandwich, too. Sometimes my mommy makes things I don't want so I eat a peanut butter sandwich too. I like you 100 times too and my heart believes that you do good. And actually when I act crazy I'm not on a mission to fight bad guys. And when I don’t act crazy, I am on a mission to fight bad guys. I like diggers.
Everything loves you Jaden. Byezee means bye. I love you. I really know why my heart has a water-smoke and then it gets fire but I like the way that I act, but sometimes I don’t. But I know I love you and that's all. Byezee.
You are absolutely right about that first picture, very GQ! It amazes me that you can actually get him to pose for pictures, like all of his Hop Ki Do ones...he looks very professional. He is so big it makes me kinda sad...
Jaden you look like a little stud in your GQ pic. You're getting so big. I can't believe where the time has gone. One of these days we're going to have to come play again. Ella misses you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great kid! I love the GQ picture. And that's awesome you are doing martial arts with him. And he's reading?! That's awesome-something to be proud of for sure. He reminds me so much of Charles yet something about his eyes makes me think of you.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Jaden throwing the ball in...he looks so pro!
ReplyDeleteThose updates on your boys were SO FUN! K- so lets hang out, I'm not being a spazzzo anymore about swine flu- sorry about that :) COME PLAY!!!