Almost every time I try and blog, I have to go through pictures. And almost everyt ime I go through pictures, Jaden and Kaleb come climbing up into my lap so they can see, and ask to watch their favorite videos...... over.... and over..... and over again. So Jaden wanted to write a blog about top 4 most frequently viewed videos... and a little more...
I love my blog . These are my favorite videos. I watch them all the time. I was 2 years old in them. I like being 2 when I was little. If you watch these you will love it. If you don't, then you don't like me. I love Corduroy in the dryer the best. Corduroy is my bear. I don't know when I got him. Maybe a long long long time ago.. back in the old days.
The Buzz Lightyear one was fun. Buzz is a spaceman. He goes flying and fighting Zurg. Halloween is my favorite thing. You dress up to be anything you want. That's all I know.
A lion is being fun. When we like to play lions we were really fun.
One more video. I like to play cats with my Daddy.
Now my Family...
I love everybody in my family. Mommy, Daddy, Kaleb, Bradley. And I love Bradley the most.
Curtis... I love Curtis. We like to play together. Kaleb too. Well, you moved to Arizona. That's it.
Amber lives far far away too. But I love her and love her and love her and LOVE her!
Little Forrest, I love so much too.
Ethan, my cousin... he lives in Arizona? No... he lives in St. Louis!
I love Kare.. she's having a new baby boy.
Alli... I love Alli... She lives in Utah.
Julianne and Bryce, they live in St. Louis like Ethan... together... Ethan Jon Bartlett's Family.
Bryan and Katee Jo I love so much because Katee Jo is their little sister. I love her a little bit and Bryan a little bit... I love Forrest the best. I like big Forrest and Michelle too. They came to visit me.
Melanie and John live in CA. I love them so so so much. Did you know Kaleb JON! You get it? And my Grandpa is Jon? That's 3 Jons! You get it? Jon, Jon and John!
Grandma and Grandpa Socci... I love them because they are my Daddy's parents. And they love me so much and some day they might come to my house again.
I love Grandma and Grandpa Ashton... I love them so much.. maybe I'll see them again someday.. like on Sunday.. today.
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (MacKay)... the ones that are still alive...I love them too much. Great Grandma is 90 today. Then 91, then 92 them 93 then 94 then 95 then 96 then 97 then 98 then 99 then 100!
The other Great Grandma and Great Grandpa... well, they're not alive anymore. (Ashton) Grandpa was their first kiddo. I love them so much. I don't remember them. But I remember Grandpa's Mommy moveded with a lot of people. One time I visited her and she had that thing in her her nose... like Great Grandpa (MacKay) has. (Oxygen tubes) Okay that's it.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
You Look Like a Monkey...
Yes, I realize this is a week old, but... my boys worked hard to celebrate this day with me, so I have to give 'em props!

Well, I caught back up to Charles. I'm 28 years old, but feel like I'm still 21. Alli is 7 years younger than me, and most days I feel like she is the older and wiser one. Well... maybe she really IS the wiser one! Kare is 4 years younger and I have always felt that we were the same age. Okay... maybe this just means that I am immature for my age. Or maybe at some point it's like Alli said... "at some point all siblings just feel the same." Hmmmm... But that doesn't work for Julianne. She will always seem older to me. Well, not "older" ...per say... but more... "advanced in life...?" Okay, whatever... On to the party!
Even though my birthday was Wednesday, we celebrated a few days early so we could do it on Sunday with my family. Charles made me my favorite dish... Lasagna. I would have taken a picture but it was eaten like the second he set it down! He also made Texas Sheet Cake.... another one of my favorites! Have you ever had either of these two things? They are seriously heaven. If heaven doesn't have these, then I'm not interested! And if you ever want to try any of these... be sure to be around for my next birthday. It's a tradition! Thank you Charles!

Well, I got some pretty awesome gifts, but I have to say that my favorite part was the homemade cards. Check them out!

The boys got me the game Rush Hour. (Which if you have never played it, I highly recommend it!) I got the "kids version" for Jaden for his birthday and I played it all the time. "Got anymore braaain...busters?" So now I have the regular version some of those puzzles are hard! Great mind-exercising game.

The boys also got me... in lieu of what they've expressed they really want for Christmas... a new baby sister. I have a new baby doll named Kiki. The boys play with her and feed her, and change her diaper and put her to bed... they say they are ready for a REAL baby sister. HA! Fat chance.

Alli got me a gift card for a "much-needed" Pedicure. Kare and Curtis got me a Southwest Airlines gift card... hmmmm... wonder what they have in mind? :) And my parents gave me "The Gift of Time".... Ahhh.... Can't wait to use that one! Thanks everyone. And thank you to everyone else who called, emailed, facebooked or texted me Happy Birthday wishes! All in all, it was a pretty good birthday. It's kinda weird being only one year younger than Dad... :)

Well, I caught back up to Charles. I'm 28 years old, but feel like I'm still 21. Alli is 7 years younger than me, and most days I feel like she is the older and wiser one. Well... maybe she really IS the wiser one! Kare is 4 years younger and I have always felt that we were the same age. Okay... maybe this just means that I am immature for my age. Or maybe at some point it's like Alli said... "at some point all siblings just feel the same." Hmmmm... But that doesn't work for Julianne. She will always seem older to me. Well, not "older" ...per say... but more... "advanced in life...?" Okay, whatever... On to the party!
Even though my birthday was Wednesday, we celebrated a few days early so we could do it on Sunday with my family. Charles made me my favorite dish... Lasagna. I would have taken a picture but it was eaten like the second he set it down! He also made Texas Sheet Cake.... another one of my favorites! Have you ever had either of these two things? They are seriously heaven. If heaven doesn't have these, then I'm not interested! And if you ever want to try any of these... be sure to be around for my next birthday. It's a tradition! Thank you Charles!
Well, I got some pretty awesome gifts, but I have to say that my favorite part was the homemade cards. Check them out!
The boys got me the game Rush Hour. (Which if you have never played it, I highly recommend it!) I got the "kids version" for Jaden for his birthday and I played it all the time. "Got anymore braaain...busters?" So now I have the regular version some of those puzzles are hard! Great mind-exercising game.

The boys also got me... in lieu of what they've expressed they really want for Christmas... a new baby sister. I have a new baby doll named Kiki. The boys play with her and feed her, and change her diaper and put her to bed... they say they are ready for a REAL baby sister. HA! Fat chance.
Alli got me a gift card for a "much-needed" Pedicure. Kare and Curtis got me a Southwest Airlines gift card... hmmmm... wonder what they have in mind? :) And my parents gave me "The Gift of Time".... Ahhh.... Can't wait to use that one! Thanks everyone. And thank you to everyone else who called, emailed, facebooked or texted me Happy Birthday wishes! All in all, it was a pretty good birthday. It's kinda weird being only one year younger than Dad... :)
Almost a Hat Trick
So the last soccer game Jaden had was awful. No one was there, and the few that were there, didn't want to play. The most each team can have on the field at one time is 6 players, and Jaden's team was lucky if they had 4. There were times when Jaden was the only orange one out there! Although he hasn't shown much "enthusiasm" for the sport... thankfully we have never had to drag him onto the field. For the most part he has always been happy and willing to be out there and run around with the bunch. So even though his team (... if you could even call it a team) got slaughtered, Jaden stayed out there the whole time and we couldn't have been more proud.
That is, until Saturday...
Jaden scored 2, yes... count 'em 2 goals. His team came back from the dead and they were actually pretty closely matched. Jaden was awesome. The first goal was like this...

He was with "the bunch." They were on their defense side. The ball came close. Jaden went for it. He kicked it away from "the bunch." He even kicked it towards his goal on the other side of the field! Then he took off after that ball. It was a break away! He kicked it again. And again. Each kick making the distance between him and the goal smaller and smaller. He dribbled it all the way down the side of the field... leaving "the bunch" behind in the dust. Then he centered the ball, took aim and shot. GOOOOOAAALLLLL!!! It was beautiful.
We all clapped and shouted for joy. Mom and Dad were there. This was the first game Dad was able to make it to and he was quick to take the credit, saying that Jaden scored "because Grandpa was there." Well, Dad... now that you are Jaden's lucky charm I better see you at his last 2 games!
On to his second goal.
It started with a throw in.... Jaden was the one who took the throw. He held it in both hands. Planted both feet in the ground. Pulled the ball back behind his head, and threw. No one could stop the ball. It had such force and speed. Every player missed. It bounced, then bounced... then rolled... and rolled. It rolled right into the goal. Ummm.... the other team's goal. GOOOOAAAAALLLL!!!! It was hilarious. Yes, it was another O.G. ...but another goal, just the same.
Way to go Jaden.... almost a "Hat Trick."
That is, until Saturday...
Jaden scored 2, yes... count 'em 2 goals. His team came back from the dead and they were actually pretty closely matched. Jaden was awesome. The first goal was like this...
He was with "the bunch." They were on their defense side. The ball came close. Jaden went for it. He kicked it away from "the bunch." He even kicked it towards his goal on the other side of the field! Then he took off after that ball. It was a break away! He kicked it again. And again. Each kick making the distance between him and the goal smaller and smaller. He dribbled it all the way down the side of the field... leaving "the bunch" behind in the dust. Then he centered the ball, took aim and shot. GOOOOOAAALLLLL!!! It was beautiful.
We all clapped and shouted for joy. Mom and Dad were there. This was the first game Dad was able to make it to and he was quick to take the credit, saying that Jaden scored "because Grandpa was there." Well, Dad... now that you are Jaden's lucky charm I better see you at his last 2 games!
On to his second goal.
It started with a throw in.... Jaden was the one who took the throw. He held it in both hands. Planted both feet in the ground. Pulled the ball back behind his head, and threw. No one could stop the ball. It had such force and speed. Every player missed. It bounced, then bounced... then rolled... and rolled. It rolled right into the goal. Ummm.... the other team's goal. GOOOOAAAAALLLL!!!! It was hilarious. Yes, it was another O.G. ...but another goal, just the same.
Way to go Jaden.... almost a "Hat Trick."
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
**Warning** This next posting is mainly for the interest and benefit of my Mom, Dad and sisters. And it's quite lengthy.
Well, as we all know, Grandma and Grandpa Ashton's house, the one Dad grew up in, has been sold. It is bitter-sweet for Dad, I'm sure, but sad for the rest of us. Dad and his siblings have all been working hard to clean and fix it up to have it ready to sell by this summer, and it was obviously a job well done. It stayed on the market, for a long ... 4 days? They had 3 quick offers, one being the listed price, and it was a done-deal. (Is that right Dad?) It's good, because Dad had been working so many hours up there doing plumbing, painting, sprinklers, mowing, baseboards, flooring....everything! And now he is done.... But at the same time, it is sad to see it see it go.
We had some really good memories... So I decided to go up and take the boys to see it... and to take a bunch of pictures (because I have such a terrible memory!) I wanted to preserve what I could. Plus I thought Julianne and Kare (and maybe Alli, if she hasn't gone already) would be interested in seeing it one last time...
(I'll number them so that if anyone wants to comment on any of them, it will be easy to refer to the right picture)
1. We'll start with the backyard because even thought it was the back of the house, it was always the front to us. This was the image we looked forward to on our LONG 12 hour trips. Grandma and Grandpa sitting on the porch waiting. Grandma in her house dress and Grandpa in his brown slacks and thin white button-up shirt...

2. The driveway. No garage... but a carport! Remember those steps behind the shed?

3. The lawn... it seemed so much bigger when we were little! I never realized how enclosed the trees could make you feel. (Hey Jules, remember those weird leaves that would fall on the grass and we could split open part of it and it was stick inside... then we could stick them on our nose and call ourselves Pinocchio?)

4. More of the backyard... Where the raspberry bushes used to be. The Laundry drying line thing is still there. (Remember pretending it was an uneven bar and doing shooting stars off of it? Mom and Dad, you guys were crazy! I would never let my kids swing off that thing!)

5. The side yard. We always loved opening and closing the gate... and running up and down those stairs.

6. The front... notice the SOLD sign.

7. The front... I caught Dad as he was mowing... what a job on such a steep hill!

8. More Front

9. Even more Front... I'm not sure I ever appreciated how much sunlight was able to reach through the basement on that side... (Dad, your Dad and Grandpa did a great designing job!)

10. Front again

11. And again

12. Address

13. Oh, the kitchen... wasn't there a built-in bench? Hard to believe that was once seating for 8!

14. Kitchen... Hey, where's the chalkboard! FUDGE!!

15. Formal Dining. Remember trying to name all our cousins that were up on that wall? Notice the hard wood floors...

16. Living Room

17. Grandma's room

18. Hallway looking at... garbage closet... next to the laundry chute. Oh the Laundry chute... good times. :)

19. The pink bathroom! Dad did great work in here.

20. I remember this room as Grandpa's, but Dad would probably say Cathy and Janie's.

21. The steep stairway (which now has carpet)

22. Dad and ...Ron's (?) old bedroom

23. The downstairs bathroom which turned out quite nice thanks to Dad!

24. The storage/music room. Also where Dad would talk on the phone to Mom in "private." :)

25. (Dennis and Dave's Room) All I remember about this room is Grandpa exercise bike that we used to play on, and the picture of the boat... "Someday my ship will come in... and with my luck I'll be at the airport."

26. The totally old school laundry room... love the piping through the window!

27. The Family room. Remember spending lots of time playing Atari in here? And sleeping on foam pads, and listening to Julianne play the piano....

28. The listing... Should have added "Laundry Chute,"... but I guess this place had no trouble selling anyway.

Well, since I was in a nostalgic mood, I decided to add a few more pictures of the house and Grandma... I wish I had some of Grandpa...
29. Grandma's famous picture for the Ensign

30. Bryce and Jules' wedding

31. I think these were at my wedding...

32. A nice 4 generation shot at the baby blessings...

33. These are the last pictures I have of Grandma actually AT her house. This was during general conference... it was a family meeting.

34. Here is another General Conference/ family meeting but at Ron's house.

35. We snuck in for the family meeting... Hey was this when Dad was living in Magna?

Well, as we all know, Grandma and Grandpa Ashton's house, the one Dad grew up in, has been sold. It is bitter-sweet for Dad, I'm sure, but sad for the rest of us. Dad and his siblings have all been working hard to clean and fix it up to have it ready to sell by this summer, and it was obviously a job well done. It stayed on the market, for a long ... 4 days? They had 3 quick offers, one being the listed price, and it was a done-deal. (Is that right Dad?) It's good, because Dad had been working so many hours up there doing plumbing, painting, sprinklers, mowing, baseboards, flooring....everything! And now he is done.... But at the same time, it is sad to see it see it go.
We had some really good memories... So I decided to go up and take the boys to see it... and to take a bunch of pictures (because I have such a terrible memory!) I wanted to preserve what I could. Plus I thought Julianne and Kare (and maybe Alli, if she hasn't gone already) would be interested in seeing it one last time...
(I'll number them so that if anyone wants to comment on any of them, it will be easy to refer to the right picture)
1. We'll start with the backyard because even thought it was the back of the house, it was always the front to us. This was the image we looked forward to on our LONG 12 hour trips. Grandma and Grandpa sitting on the porch waiting. Grandma in her house dress and Grandpa in his brown slacks and thin white button-up shirt...
2. The driveway. No garage... but a carport! Remember those steps behind the shed?
3. The lawn... it seemed so much bigger when we were little! I never realized how enclosed the trees could make you feel. (Hey Jules, remember those weird leaves that would fall on the grass and we could split open part of it and it was stick inside... then we could stick them on our nose and call ourselves Pinocchio?)
4. More of the backyard... Where the raspberry bushes used to be. The Laundry drying line thing is still there. (Remember pretending it was an uneven bar and doing shooting stars off of it? Mom and Dad, you guys were crazy! I would never let my kids swing off that thing!)
5. The side yard. We always loved opening and closing the gate... and running up and down those stairs.
6. The front... notice the SOLD sign.
7. The front... I caught Dad as he was mowing... what a job on such a steep hill!
8. More Front
9. Even more Front... I'm not sure I ever appreciated how much sunlight was able to reach through the basement on that side... (Dad, your Dad and Grandpa did a great designing job!)
10. Front again
11. And again
12. Address
13. Oh, the kitchen... wasn't there a built-in bench? Hard to believe that was once seating for 8!
14. Kitchen... Hey, where's the chalkboard! FUDGE!!
15. Formal Dining. Remember trying to name all our cousins that were up on that wall? Notice the hard wood floors...
16. Living Room
17. Grandma's room
18. Hallway looking at... garbage closet... next to the laundry chute. Oh the Laundry chute... good times. :)
19. The pink bathroom! Dad did great work in here.
20. I remember this room as Grandpa's, but Dad would probably say Cathy and Janie's.
21. The steep stairway (which now has carpet)
22. Dad and ...Ron's (?) old bedroom
23. The downstairs bathroom which turned out quite nice thanks to Dad!
24. The storage/music room. Also where Dad would talk on the phone to Mom in "private." :)
25. (Dennis and Dave's Room) All I remember about this room is Grandpa exercise bike that we used to play on, and the picture of the boat... "Someday my ship will come in... and with my luck I'll be at the airport."
26. The totally old school laundry room... love the piping through the window!
27. The Family room. Remember spending lots of time playing Atari in here? And sleeping on foam pads, and listening to Julianne play the piano....
28. The listing... Should have added "Laundry Chute,"... but I guess this place had no trouble selling anyway.
Well, since I was in a nostalgic mood, I decided to add a few more pictures of the house and Grandma... I wish I had some of Grandpa...
29. Grandma's famous picture for the Ensign

30. Bryce and Jules' wedding

31. I think these were at my wedding...
32. A nice 4 generation shot at the baby blessings...

33. These are the last pictures I have of Grandma actually AT her house. This was during general conference... it was a family meeting.

34. Here is another General Conference/ family meeting but at Ron's house.
35. We snuck in for the family meeting... Hey was this when Dad was living in Magna?
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