Kaleb earned the Dragon Leader Award. For "Putting first things first by always finishing his work before he moves on to the next activity." Way to go Kaleb! Now can you do that at home too? :)
For his ceremony, families were invited for donuts and drinks.
This is his teacher, Mrs. Soqui.
He was given his award by Principal Tanner.
I guess Jaden also earned this award, but somehow his paper that tells parents about the ceremony never made it home. I felt kind of bad when I found his certificate shoved inside his backpack a week later along with a huge pile of other papers and notes... We're working on this... :)
Jaden's award was for "Compromising with others, even when it is his turn to make a decision." That's my Peace Maker... or doormat...
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth."