Friday, November 11, 2011

"Weeeee're OFF to See the Wizard..."

We took Jaden and Kaleb to see their first play a few weeks ago.  They had recently started watching Tom and Jerry's The Wizard of Oz, which introduced them to the movie, which inspired us to see the play

Apparently there is no flash photography allowed, so we stole what shots we could while everyone was being seated.

Our seats were awesome.  We were like 5 rows from the stage, and off to the side on an aisle.  

The boys loved it.  Even though it lasted till after 10pm, they stayed awake... barely.

The boys still have their programs tucked away in the headboard of their beds along with the rest of their "special" things.


  1. Are those some cute Maurices jeans I see on you??? I love that you are schooling them in theater. Their wives will thank you someday!

  2. Why, yes they are! I thought, cold skirt... or HOT jeans...?
