Thursday, September 15, 2011

East Canyon

We have been vacationing in East Canyon... my whole life.  I think.

Even when I lived in CA, we came here in the summers.  We'd meet up with a bunch of my cousins, and my grandparents would stay overnight in their camper-thing.  Good times.  :)

My little family loves going up to the condos, and we LOVE swimming in the pools.  The boys would stay there all day if they could.

This year, part of our Ashton family vacation was spent up there.  (End of July.)

My dad used to do this to us girls when we were kids.  I think 13 was the highest number of rotations we ever got... or maybe that was someone in the Collins family... I don't know.

I think it's fun to see my dad do this with MY kid. 

And here's Nathan showing us his mad water skills.  What a stud.  :)

This isn't the best video to show this, but I love how spastic Kaleb gets when he is excited.  He either dances, yells, or belts out in his own made-up song.  The video I tried to upload showed him doing karate moves underwater.  He's so entertaining.  :)

Kaylee and Curtis... so cute!

I like how Kare seems to be mad-dogging the little girl who may be invading her personal space.

Wonder when Bradley will realize that "Baby Nathan" is no longer a baby... and that he's only 1 year younger.

Charles and I took the little boys out for a walk and found...

Bradley didn't seem too interested.

Throwing rocks is way more fun.


We forgot the bug spray and were getting eaten alive.  But we decided to introduce the kids to the game of mini-golf anyway.

Not too bad for their first time. 

But they still got bored pretty quick.

Kaleb left to go climb on top of all of the miniature buildings, and he swears he saw a snake, which freaked him out and he took off running back towards the condo.

Bradley had fun playing his own way.  Abandoning all rules he decided to just place his ball at the end of each hole and go from there.  This was much more fun. :)

Even after his 12th time, he still got excited.

Here's Mom on baby-duty, back at the condo.

This was the next day, back at the pool.

Bradley was so brave.  He wanted to jump to Charles, and kept telling him to move back more and more.  More than even Charles was comfortable with.

Jaden tried so hard to break his record...

... and his back.

All the boys sure have fun swimming with Grandpa.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I remember the day that 13 flips was achieved. It was at Oceanside in the small pool in the old condos. Magic day indeed!!!
