Monday, August 1, 2011

A Natural Daddy

 I know Jaden will make a great dad someday.  Not only has he had Kaleb to give him the best lessons on patience, but Jaden is just a natural when it comes to caring for others.  He is so tender-hearted and sensitive to the feelings of others.  Sure he's smart and can be manipulative at times, but for the most part he is always looking out for others.

Without even needing me to ask, he always wants to hold Brynnlee.  I was sure the novelty of her would have worn off by now, but not for him.  He knows the right amount of milk to to give her before needing to stop and get a burp.

He's actually really good at getting her to do it, too... even if he forgets she is on his lap.

He loves to hold her when he is watching his shows.

He is so comfortable with her that he thinks he can feed her with no hands.

Kaleb on the other hand... I think he likes to pretend that he's put out by holding his sister. :)  Oh, Kaleb....


  1. It surprised me how natural Jaden seemed holding Kaylee. I was all trying to make him sit down so he could hold her and then one time he just picked her up when she was crying and walked around with her. It amazed me how comfortable he seemed doing it. He is gonna be a good daddy just like Charles!

  2. Jaden reminds me so much of charles, everything you described is something I could imagine charles doing when we were younger. I know that Charles used to brush my hair, i'm talking upper elementary or even jr high, and he would always be so careful and take his time...that'll be Jaden once Brynnlee has longer hair...

  3. Kare~ I know! It's a little unsettling at first, huh?
    Amber~ Awwww... cute!
