And it's a good thing she came when she did, because these boys were about to have withdrawals. They're always asking when we're going to CA to see Grandma, and when we're going to CA to play in Grandma's backyard, and when we're going to CA to watch Grandma's clock. (It's a way cool chiming one that sings, and breaks apart and comes back together every hour. The kids stop whatever they're doing, each time to watch it... guess you'd have to be there.)
After getting settled in, we got to see pictures of Brynnlee's twin cousin. Born like 4 hours apart or something. So, here is Melanie and my newest niece, Zoe Jane Addison Rosario.
Awww... John's a Daddy!
She is soooo cute!
Here she's supporting her Daddy's team, the Lakers. Was she watching a game, and not happy with the ref's call? Was the season over before this picture was taken? Is she not happy with their new coach? Did they get a new coach? I'm so not the person to be writing about this!
And here she is making faces at Grandpa Socci. She has so much hair!
It's amazing how fast they change. Melanie... John... I demand that you start a blog.
Now. Or at least email us pictures of her... weekly. You've got time for that, right?
Grandma also showed us pictures of their new babies. Or, puppies. Meet Chuckles and Wiggles. Sounds like they are keeping Grandma and Grandpa plenty busy! :)
Well, during Grandma's visit, it was pretty rainy. But when it wasn't, we were at the playground.
And if we weren't at the playground, we were having a standoff in the front yard.
Or decorating the sidewalk... it needed it.
Or revving our bike engines for the death-defying... shovel jump.
But wherever we were, Grandma was there taking pictures.
And when it was raining, we were inside showing Grandma our tricks.
And our creations.
We played games...
read stories...
and when Grandma was released from the boys, she relaxed and spent time with Brynn.
But after a few too many days of rain, we ran out of things to do. We got a little desperate, and went to Hobby Lobby to find something fun to make and do indoors. This is what we came home with...
The coloring didn't last very long.
They wanted to build.
Make that, they wanted Charles to build. :)
A castle fit for a king... or 3... barely.
Here they are, knights of shining... Styrofoam.
along with the knight in training.
Kaleb liked to be a knight that... didn't really defend the king per-say... He was there to kill the king. Well, that's Kaleb for you. :)
One day Grandma took Jaden and Kaleb on a Grandma date to the movie theater to see...

They had a blast. Filling up on popcorn, candy and soda, and watching the bad guys "go down!"
Grandma's birthday was Sunday, but to celebrate, we took her out to dinner the night before.
We hardly ever take the kids out to eat to anywhere fancier than Wendy's. We were a little nervous to see how they would behave, but they were great. It was a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Grandma!
On Sunday was Brynn's blessing. We got special permission to bless Brynnlee early so Grandma could be there.
Then it was time to say goodbye. Luckily there weren't too many tears this time. Jaden is usually pretty sensitive.
Thanks for a great visit, Grandma! We love you and we miss you already! Good thing you're coming back soon, and bringing Grandpa with you!
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