While in the hospital, my parents came a few time with the boys to see us. They were very excited to meet "the sister." But they were also excited to leave and go back to Grandma's house to play with their new legos. I definitely didn't have to worry if they were happy while we were away. :)
Here's Dad finally getting a chance to hold her. Why don't I have a picture of my mom holding her?
Our friends Ryan and Julie came to see her too. They brought lots of presents for everyone including this headband for Brynn.
On April 9th, we were ready to go home. I for one was looking forward to not being woken up every hour for them to check my vitals, check my body, bring me the baby that was kicked out of the nursery... twice. I was tired, cranky, and mad at the nurses.

I mean, just cuz a baby is crying doesn't always mean she's hungry. All it took was to hold her and she fell right asleep. Feeding her every hour and a half is a little unnecessary in my opinion.

After being given the okay by my doctor, her doctor and the nurse, we packed her up and got out of there. I'd have to say my favorite hospital stay, was NOT this one.

We came home and got things put away just in time for the boys to come home.

They were so happy with their new sister that they wanted to make something for her... through Kaleb's orchestration...
Jaden built a track, Kaleb made a cake and Bradley built a temple. They sang happy birthday a few times.
We all took turns holding and cuddling her the whole day. But not without washing hands first. I think this might have been more fun for Bradley then the actual holding of the baby!

Bradley has grown a bit. It's crazy how big the youngest looks when you bring home a new tiny baby.

Then it was bed time.
This little outfit from Julianne kept her nice and warm.

We made it through our first night, and took naps in shifts during the day. The boys were just counting down the seconds till they could hold her again. In fact, as soon as Jaden got up he went straight into Brynnlee's room. Then he came and woke me up a little panicked. "Mom, I went to check on Brynnlee and... she's not there!" I quickly reassured the sweet boy that his sister was fine and that she was asleep in my bed at the moment. What a good brother. :)

Okay, here's a picture of my mom holding Brynn.
Brynnlee was such a heavy sleeper. I mean, newborns are all pretty sleepy, but she was the worst. It took me forever to wake her up enough to get some food. Not only that but she was classified as a "lazy nurser," so I was REALLY having to work to get her to eat. Which explains why she didn't gain back her birth weight by her 2 week checkup.

And here she is getting her first bath at home. On the kitchen counter. No fancy baby tub when it's your 4th baby...(or 3rd, or 2nd... or even 1st if you are us). Besides, the second you set them in that warm water they're just gonna pee and you'll be cleaning them in pee-water. Just get the job done.

she is so cute! Did you stay at a different hospital this time than the other 3?