Bradley had his first haircut. Yes, his FIRST. He is 2 years old and to be honest, the cut doesn't even make him look that much different.

Next we have Kaleb. Kaleb has been LOVING Sunshine Square. And here's the real news: After not even 2 months of carefully working with him, Kaleb is finally talking in school. It's only been the last couple of days of class, (knock on wood) but he's doing it. We're trying not to make a big deal about it, but really this is big for him.
Here he is on a field trip to Wheeler Farm. (Julianne, remember how last time he did this with his class he wouldn't even get out of the stroller?)
Okay, next is Jaden. Jaden's big thing recently was that he was awarded "Principal's Pride" at school. I guess it's kind of like a Student of the Month thing. For his ceremony, they have all the students who are receiving the award, and their parents meet on the stage and have lunch together with the principal. Since this was our first time, we didn't realize it was a chance to buy your kid McDonald's. So here we were, Jaden with his school lunch, and Charles with his home lunch. I was too sick to eat.
Here is when the principal called him up to get his certificate.
When he was walking back to the table I asked him to stop so I could take a picture. At first he pretended not to hear me. So I told him again. I guess I should have taken the hint the first time, because this is where I become "that mom" again. His eyes darted from side to side as if everyone in the room was watching him, and then he said under his breath... "Sheesh, Mom!" He was so embarrassed. And I felt horrible.

That was the only shot I took, because I don't want to become "that Mom." But I am proud of him anyway. He's such a good kid. :)
Last we have my day of terror.
All morning I kept hearing sounds from the utility closet. It sounded like metal hangers falling down a metal shaft. Every so often for like 2 seconds and then it would stop. I texted Charles at work about it and he said it might be a bird stuck in the... furnace... pipe... thing. The next time I heard the sound, I knew he was right.
There was nothing Charles could do because he was at work, and so I texted my dad. He told me to go in and get it out. I didn't know how to get into the pipe... ducts... whatever they're called so I didn't. But just then the flapping became louder and I could also hear screeching. I was so freaked out, I closed the door to the utility closet and didn't open it again.
Dad kept telling me that the poor thing is going to die if I don't get it out, but there was no way I was going to open that door again. I kept picturing a bloody, mangled-up thing that was going to fly at my face and attack me and give me who-knows-what kind of diseases. So I waited for Charles. The second he opened he door, he slammed it closed again. The bird had found it's way out and was chilling in the utility closet.

After about 20 minutes of trying to get the bird out, Charles finally threw a sheet over it, grabbed it and took it outside. Free at last...
OK so, I have to laugh because I think Bradley's hair looks longer after the cut then I remember it ever being! Probably because it is wet so his hair is darker and you can actually see it. He is stinkin adorable though, and I love how freaked out and confused he looks in that second picture. Next, I am soooooooooooo excited for Kaleb! Talking at school like a big boy...what an accomplishment! He also looks way too old for my liking in that picture of him and Bradley (though it is a VERY good picture of him). Lastly, I got soooooo excited when I heard Jaden's principal say that he was a good problem solver in math. Seriously, I got a huge smile on my face! Way to be J!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kare. He looks like he has MORE hair to me now. And I love how dang cute he looks in that first picture. It seriously looks like it should be in a pamphlet that comes along with do-it-yourself hair clippers for kids. And the ad rhetoric is "See, if you use our special clippers, your adorable kid will actually ENJOY getting their hair cut"
ReplyDeleteAnd Kaleb! Wow! That is really amazing! And yes . . . I looked at the picture before I read the words, so when I saw the farm picture, I thought--wait. That looks familiar. But I definitely don't remember Kaleb hanging on the fence with rapt interest... That is so great, I'll keep my fingers crossed that he keeps it up.
And congratulations to Jaden! What a fun way to celebrate the award! And what an awesome award! It wasn't just one thing he was great it, it was THREE! Sounds like his year is off to a really good start. Keep it up J!!
Oh, and I feel for you with the bird thing. We had a bat in our house . . . Twice. The last time I was home alone and it flew out of the chimney and I ran and hid and ended up getting trapped in the downstairs guest room and had to email Bryce to send a Critter Control person to come save me. There was no way I was going to go out there and take care of it myself. So I full-heartedly endorse your decision to keep that door shut. Frantic flapping things are SCARY!!
ReplyDeleteAgreed, the first picture of Bradley makes my teeth hurt. And I love that he's wearing those jammies that are too small but he loves them so much and they're so stretched out that you can almost see his skin.
ReplyDeleteMiss Naughty must be some teacher! Or else Kaleb is a man of his word and said he would talk at Sunshine Square. And I looooove that picture of Kaleb and Bradley. How cute is that??? I'm thinking of making it my desktop background.
Oh Jaden is definitely growing up...remember when he said you could always hold his hand? I wonder if that's still true...sad.
P.S. How could I forget about commenting on the bird?! When did this happen? I don't know what I would have done if I were you but I laughed out loud when Cha asked if Bradley wanted to see it and he said, "no." Especially because he is always looking outside and saying, "bird, bird, bird!"
ReplyDeleteSo funny about the bird! I would have freaked! I love your new post too, very cute pics! I felt the same way when I was sick....they really are amazing little people :)