This year's Halloween was pretty busy because the kids had lots of cousins to share it with, and lots of chances to go trick-or-treating. There was school, church, Grandpa's work, and regular trick-or-treating. The church held their "Trunk-or-Treat" the week before Halloween, which was fine by us because it meant cousins from CA would still be in town. However, it started right after Kaleb's birthday party ended, and we were so pooped from the party, that we almost decided to skip the Trunk-or-Treat. That, and the fact that it was raining. But being the amazing parents that we all are, we sucked it up, dressed the kiddos and headed out anyway.
The kids played games in the gym...

Then because of the rain, the trunk-or treating was moved indoors. It was pretty fun. Short and sweet when you get there as late as we did! Haha!

The following weekend was the real Halloween. My dad invited us to his work to go trick-or-treating, and man do they give good candy! Here's the superheros... Batman (Bradley), Robin (Nathan), and Grandma. :)

Here's Dad at his station. Lol. Doesn't he look awesome? He put his costume together all by himself and was so proud. Too bad you can't see his studded boots or his leather jacket. He was most excited about his "tats." You rock, Dad! :)

And here's Alli, surprising Dad with one of her own creative costumes. Can you tell who she is?

An hour and a half later, after attacking only about 1/6 of the building, it was time to call it quits. Nathan was asleep, my feet were killing me, and Bradley just wanted to eat all of his suckers. But Jaden and Kaleb could have kept on goin'!
On Halloween night, it was also raining. I really didn't want to take the kids out in it, (not to mention they were extremely ornery) but I didn't want to be a lame mom, so I got the kids dressed and ready to go.

Once we started to walk out the door, the boys decided they didn't want to go out, and so they set up their own trick-or-treating around the house. They got bowls, and pots filled them up with the candy my mom was handing out, and put them at doors all around the house. Then for over an hour, they took their buckets around the house, "Trick or Treat! Thank you!" When their buckets became too full, they dumped them back out and went again. Alli was fun and decided to hide with her pot of candy and make the kids find her if they wanted some. How this activity was so fun, for as long it was, is beyond me. But between this and handing out candy, they had a blast.