Although the "reason" for our spontaneous reunion was very sad, the bright side was that we got to all be together for 10 days.
Ten days of fun...
So let's do a Top Ten list of our Ten Days of Fun...
Here we go. In no particular order.
#10 Leg Waxing
So Julianne has dove in, head first, into the world of wax. And she invited anyone who wanted to join, to come along. Alli and I were the only crazy-... I mean... brave... ones to actually do it. We had never done it before, and I think it's safe to say for both of us... "glad we tried it once... but never... again."
Jules did a very good job prepping us for this new experience... and bless her heart for sitting there for hours working on us.

I went first and screamed like a baby. So much that I started to wonder if my kids would worry about me. Sure enough, right after that thought came... so did Jaden.

Such a concerned child! After watching a few pulls, and realizing his Mommy was okay, he left... and in came Kaleb. But Kaleb was so sweet, he wanted to hold my hand.
Here's a little video of how much fun waxing your legs can be.
And here's Alli... only made a face... but not a single sound.
#9 Triathlon
It was fun to cheer on Dad and Alli...


and Zak... (Don't you love his pink and black polka-dotted shorts?)... they completed yet another Triathlon. What can I say, they're all a bunch of studs.
#8 Just hangin' out at Mom and Dad's

#7 Kaleb's Field Trip
Okay, this one doesn't actually classify as "fun." It was the lamest field trip I had ever been to. So not worth all the horse poop that accumulated on the wheels of my stroller. But Ethan got to come, so that made it better. At least we had ONE interested kid!
#6 The Big Bang Theory

Kare introduced us to this hilariously geeky, sitcom. It's kinda what we do. We find a new show on DVD, and just watch it together for hours and hours. It's so much fun.
#5 Multi-Million Dollar Embryo
Sorry... this one is secret.

#4 Leatherby's
The best Ice Cream Parlor. Just missing the husbands.
#3 Making Jewelry
Y'heard. Making jewelry. Julianne traveled with 6 cases full of beads, chains, pendants, tools and string... and taught us what to do. Here are the products of our labor.
Impressive, yes?
#2 Bottle Rockets
My Dad is the coolest. He did the best science projects for me in Elementary school... and Junior High... and he is still doing them today.
Check this out...

#1 Teaching Baby Nathan lots of new tricks
Like how to play with the blinds...
Where to find the snacks to dump all over the floor...
How to eat freezing cold food...
How to climb onto the fireplace...

How to eat big fruit snacks and scare Mommy to death...

How to use the doggy door...

How to use an iPod...

and even CJ taught him...
How to plop down on the floor and take a nap.
Only a couple more months till we can do it all over again. :)
Can I just say that Nathan is totally mesmerized by me in that first family photo?
ReplyDeleteKare waxed too, which actually makes her the bravest of us all because she is quite honestly the wimpiest of us all. Wow, I tried to make that a compliment and started out quite nicely...then kind of went downhill from there, sorry about that, Kare.
Million Dollar Embryo!!! Hilarious!!!
I love that picture of Ethan outside with his arms over his head...very Abercrombie and Fitch.
Kare, you waxed too? How did I miss that? What did you think? Where are the pictures?
ReplyDeleteSo Alli, you commented on most of the EXACT things I was going to comment on. First, how Nathan can't stop staring at you in the first picture. Second, I was the first to get waxed thank you very much! I just didn't wax my legs because my leg hairs are so blonde you cant even see them. And third, "million dollar embryo" genius! Also, I love the picture of Jaden showing Nathan the ipod. J was sooooo cute with Nathan, all the boys were! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI didn't get pictures of Kare because they started and finished before I could get downstairs. That's how brave she was, badda-bing-badda-boom.