We'll start with Kaleb. I love Kaleb. He has definitely been my most challenging kid thusfar... but there are times when he is equally just as sweet. Here is a picture of him when he is almost at his peak of sweetness. (Yes, the peak would be those times when he is super-sweet but CONSCIOUS!)
Seriously... who doesn't love a sleeping kid? Awwww... these are the moments. :)
But on more humorous note, here is the Kaleb we see a little more frequently. Terrible twos... gotta love 'em! So in this video, I had already put Jaden and Kaleb to bed and was just playing with Bradley a little before putting him to bed as well. Kaleb has this habit of always coming back downstairs for a few minutes afterwards. I can't decide whether to ignore him or put the smack down on him. Anyway, listen to Kaleb... it's pretty funny.
Next we have a story... So one day I was cleaning the bedrooms upstairs. Now usually when I do this, I like to keep the kids DOWNstairs, so as not to have them mess everything up before I can vacuum.
Well, Jaden is my eyes during those times. Every few minutes I call down to him for a report on what everyone is doing. As long as everyone is alive and well, that's all I need to know.
So this one particular time, I called down to Jaden.
"How's Bradley doing?"
"Good!.... But I don't know where he is."
Hmm. Okay, so I figured he was behind a couch or under a table or something, so I decided to just go downstairs real quick, catch my visual then return to work. I went down and he was no where. Seriously. I started to panic just a little, but thought... Okay... Kaleb's not around either, so they must be together... the doors are all still locked, they're not upstairs... what the heck? So I decided to check the little toy closet under the stairs. I opened it, scanned it quickly and was about to close it because,
A. the light was turned off.
B. I couldn't hear anything (I mean come on... does a 2 and a half year old and an 11 month old really know how to play together quietly?)
Well... apparently so. There they were. Tucked way in the back, in the dark, not making a peep. I took a picture, and the only reason you can see them is because of the flash.
I asked them if they were okay, Kaleb said yes. I asked him if he wanted the light on and he said no. I started to walk away and Kaleb told me to close the door. Okay... whatever.. as long as they are alive and well, right?
On to the next one:
So. What would one get with a fly swatter, Captain Hook's hook, and some thread? A fishing pole, of course! Our little resourceful Jaden has been wanting to go fishing in the small pool for weeks. But we have no fishing pole. He created one all on his own. He instructed Charles on how to do it, and here it is.
And just in case anyone wanted to see a cute baby rolling around... here you go.
And lastly...
Someone (I will not mention names) said that I NEVER post pictures of myself, because I never allow any pictures to be taken. Well just to prove that certain someone wrong... THERE!
Funny boys! Oh, how your life must be entertaining, always.
ReplyDeletebtw, you are absolutely beautiful, so please, allow more pictures to be taken. Someday your boys will wonder why their mom wasn't in any pictures (besides the obvious-you take them all)!
And I'm sorry we didn't make it over to see you. We were only in Utah a couple of days and it just filled up so fast. I DO feel sad, because I did want to see you--but I guess not bad enough (oh, guilt).
I'm gonna start calling Jaden MacGyver, which is funyn cause Charles used to be obsessed with that show. How did he come up with the fly swatter, thread and captain hook idea, I'm very impressed!! And they are very resourceful in using underwear instead of fish, who knew that underwear would be so fun to catch...I am also very impressed that both Kaleb and Bradley can stay quite in a dark closet by themselves, I dont think I could do that now let alone when I was like 3!
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Kaleb is so sweet, it is now my desktop background picture! I never get to see that side of him when he's over at Grandma's. That probably has to do with the brownies he makes sure she has on hand or the cupboard full of "treats for the boys."
ReplyDeleteCrispy Cream, I am so impressed that you could laugh at Kaleb when he said he hated you. I was crack-a-lackin up when he was talking up until he said that, I almost started crying and he wasn't even talking to me. I would have balled if I were you. You're such a good mommy to be able to handle him!
I love that story of Jaden saying "Good...but I don't know where he is." Funny kid. I'm also glad that Bradley is smiling in the picture of him and Kaleb in the closet, whatever they were doing, I can rest assured knowing Kaleb wasn't teaching Bra-Bra anything dangerous...or maybe he was and you have a Kaleb prodigy growing up...dun dun dun...
Oh-my-husbands! Jaden is hilarious with his fishing pole! Amber took the words out of my mouth, he is such a little MacGyver. He could be the tech guy for a special black ops branch of the CIA when he grows up...cool. And of course, he fishes for underwear...those boys and anything associated with booties...siiigh.
I'm glad you put a picture of yourself up! You look so pretty! Too bad it looks like Bradley is trying to watch TV.
I love that when people pretend to be sleeping they put their hands under their head, but when Kaleb REALLY sleeps he does that as well.
ReplyDeleteHearing the "I hate you" sorta made me laugh, well i guess it was more of Crissy's reaction to it. This lady that I work with was telling em the other day about when her daughter first said those words and she had a break down, I told her about Kaleb and she asked how Crissy reacted to it, I said that you were sorta shocked but told him that you loved him and he went up stairs. She was surprised by your reaction or somewhat lack of reaction.
Hee hee hee...yes!!! Success! My mind-reading-comment-stealing stun gun works!!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Ok, I guess I should clarify. Kaleb has been saying those heart-breaking words for MONTHS. The first time he said it, I DID cry. Then I was in denial and trying to tell myself that he was saying "I hit you." But clearly, it was "hate." And he's said it so many times since then that it doesn't even phase us anymore. Lol... I guess my sarcasm in the video wasn't thick enough. :)