Bradley Reed Socci was born August 7, 2008, and is almost 9 months old now... crazy. Yes, we DO call him Bradley, but he has a few other nicknames... "Blably"-- This one came from Kaleb because he couldn't pronounce Bradley. "Brabbles"-- came from Charles... not quite sure why. And "Rad Brad" -- from his cousin Forrest Jr. He has been such an easy and happy baby (knock on wood!) Always so smiley and cuddly... I just want him to be a baby forever! And it helps that I finally have a "Momma's Boy." He is the only one to actually learn to say "Mama" before "Dada." Yay! What can I say... I feel the love!
He is a very content little guy, most of the time. It amazes me how he can play by himself for long periods of time. I can set him down next to a box of toys and then go do the dishes, or fold laundry, or cook a meal... and he just entertains himself. I don't remember the older 2 ever being that easy. But I really appreciate it. It's like he just knows that I am stressed out with 3 little ones... and Charles is so busy with school and work and doesn't get to be home very much... it's like Bradley just wants to give me a break. A very much appreciated break at that.
Here he is playing happily by himself outside.
We forgot all about suncreen for his bald little head and he got his first sunburn :( Here's Kaleb making sure Bradley keeps his hat on...
Here's Bradley playing on the train table... I assure you he was safe!
Here's Bradley with his cousin Katee Jo who is only 6 days younger than him. (He's really good at raising one eyebrow!)
Bradley is a pretty good eater. He is also a very HAPPY eater!
Bradley still doesn't have any teeth yet, but he wants real food... now!
The little boys also love their "baby." They get so excited to see him every morning when he wakes up. They still ask if they can hold him, or feed him, and always like to play with him. Bradley laughs a lot, but not as hard as when the boys are playing with him. He really loves his big brothers.
The last picture is really cute.
ReplyDeleteEVERY picture is really cute!...But I do agree with Bryce, the last one is especially cute. I heart these kids!
Jaden Socci posts: "Bradley. Kaleb. Grandma. Grandpa. Alli (ye-yeah). Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. Bradley again. Bradley again. Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. Lots and lots of Bradleys. Lots and lots and lots. And Bradley.
Me and Kaleb"
Cute background! You're so much better at this than I am!
ReplyDeleteYeah! I am so glad you have a blog, I like this better than facebook. Your kids are adorable! I can't believe you have three BOYS! How is that? Check out our blog
ReplyDeleteI just caught up by reading all of your posts! Jaden is 5?! I'm finding it odd that I am nostalgic for our nights at the WILK cleaning bathrooms-but just for tonight! And now look at us! You, a mom of 3 BOYS! It was nice to see Charles feeding Bradley-I've never really seen him (or you) be parents, I guess we kind of lost touch after our days at the WILK, but I hope that changes now. And, we are coming out to Utah around May 18th, can we come see you and your beautiful home? I don't know that we'll stay, (my sister lives in Orem), but we'd love a visit, and maybe your boys would enjoy playing with some very adorable little girls.
ReplyDeletemy blog is