Friday, April 24, 2009

Bradley Update

Bradley Reed Socci was born August 7, 2008, and is almost 9 months old now... crazy. Yes, we DO call him Bradley, but he has a few other nicknames... "Blably"-- This one came from Kaleb because he couldn't pronounce Bradley. "Brabbles"-- came from Charles... not quite sure why. And "Rad Brad" -- from his cousin Forrest Jr. He has been such an easy and happy baby (knock on wood!) Always so smiley and cuddly... I just want him to be a baby forever! And it helps that I finally have a "Momma's Boy." He is the only one to actually learn to say "Mama" before "Dada." Yay! What can I say... I feel the love!

He is a very content little guy, most of the time. It amazes me how he can play by himself for long periods of time. I can set him down next to a box of toys and then go do the dishes, or fold laundry, or cook a meal... and he just entertains himself. I don't remember the older 2 ever being that easy. But I really appreciate it. It's like he just knows that I am stressed out with 3 little ones... and Charles is so busy with school and work and doesn't get to be home very much... it's like Bradley just wants to give me a break. A very much appreciated break at that.

Here he is playing happily by himself outside.

We forgot all about suncreen for his bald little head and he got his first sunburn :( Here's Kaleb making sure Bradley keeps his hat on...

Here's Bradley playing on the train table... I assure you he was safe!

Here's Bradley with his cousin Katee Jo who is only 6 days younger than him. (He's really good at raising one eyebrow!)
Bradley is a pretty good eater. He is also a very HAPPY eater!

Bradley still doesn't have any teeth yet, but he wants real food... now!

The little boys also love their "baby." They get so excited to see him every morning when he wakes up. They still ask if they can hold him, or feed him, and always like to play with him. Bradley laughs a lot, but not as hard as when the boys are playing with him. He really loves his big brothers.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jaden turned 5!

It's crazy to think that Charles and I have been parents for 5 years now. Even crazier to see how much Jaden has grown. Jaden has been looking forward to turning 5 for a couple years now, and the past few weeks have been constant birthday talk... "When I turn 5 I want to have a BIG party." .... "When I turn 5, I want Smoker Man for my birthday. I want good guys and bad guys." .... "When I turn 5 I'll be big enough to go to Kindergarten."..."I want a real car for my birthday." On and on and on. We're already hearing plans for his 6th birthday.

Well, we celebrated his birthday on Sunday at my Mom and Dad's house. Great Grandma, Great Grandpa MacKay and Alli were also there, along with Kare and Curtis via web cam.

The fun began with Jaden's favorite Sunday dinner (pot roast), and then we headed outside for the pinata!

After a bunch of failed attempts at cracking it open with the bat, Jaden resorted to using his karate chops and kicks!

Next Jaden opened his presents... sorry.. no real car, and no Smoker Man. But he DID get a pair of soccer goals, a robot, a bike, and more. (He's so lucky!) Here is a video of Jaden dancing with the music from his robot.

Bradley was quite intrigued with watching Jaden move.

After presents we did the cake. Jaden is starting soccer this month, so he decided to have a Soccer theme.

Kaleb honored us with his rendition of the Happy Birthday Song....

And then we all sang to him.
Happy Birthday Jaden!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Home

Hello everyone! I am attempting to blog, but I make no promises of it's upkeep nor of it's appeal. However, with Kare's expert advice, I will try my best! Our biggest change for our family, most recently, has been moving into our first house. We bought a home in West Jordan and are finally just beginning to reap the rewards of having a backyard. The boys have been driving me crazy all winter being cooped up inside, and now I can feel completely guiltless just kicking them outside for a while! This house even came equipped with a drinking fountain in the backyard... all I need now is an outhouse and they'll have no excuse to come back inside for HOURS!! mwah-ha-ha!

This past week or so the boys have enjoyed playing soccer, T-ball, running around, building "rocket ships," playing cops and robbers, doing somersaults and wrestling in the yard. They are pretty sensitive to the sun, so need to wear sunglasses, hats and sunscreen most of the time, but they still have a lot of fun.
We have a spare bedroom for anyone who wants to come visit us. Previous guests have included, but are not limited to: Mere, Amber, Mom and Dad Socci, Michelle and Forrest, Katee Jo, Bryan and Forrest Jr. Although no one has, as of yet, repeated their stay, please do not take that as a bad omen. Come and visit us! We don't bite! Well... Kaleb does... but we're working on that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I suck at this crap!!

What do I do? This is weird. Hey! I got a picture on here!