My dad has always been "lucky" enough to take off a few hours of work to come to Grandparents Day at preschool. This year he had double-duty. Bradley's class went first and then Kaleb's right after.
At Bradley's class they started off by going around the room introducing their special visitors. When it was Bradley's turn to tell the class who he brought he announced loud and proud, "My Grampa!"
Then they sang and danced the beanbag song, cut out and made Easter Bunny helicopters, and took home a snack to share.
Only they didn't go home to share. Instead, we swapped kids and Grandpa went back for Round 2.
During Kaleb's class they pretty much did the same thing. They started by introducing their special visitors.
When it was Kaleb's turn, they asked him who he brought.
He looked up at Grandpa thoughtfully, then looked back at his class and told them, "Indiana Jones."
The class just laughed and laughed.
But Kaleb just looked back at them and said, "What? What's so funny?"
Then when everyone waited for him to give a real introduction, he just said, "What? Why is everyone looking at me?!"
He never did reveal to his class that he had in truth, brought his grandpa.
Some of his classmates made comments like, "So that's the REAL Indiana Jones?" or "Oooh.. so THAT'S what he looks like!"
Well, I guess there ARE some obvious similarities...
After Grandparents Day, Grandpa likes to treat the boys to some place fun. When Jaden was in preschool they went to the doughnut factory. For Kaleb and Bradley, it was McDonald's.
Thanks Grandpa Jones!