From December to February, Jaden had his first season of Basketball. He wasn't sure if he wanted to do it or not, but we wanted him to give it a try.
Here is his cheering section. Caleb Holbrook was on his team, so his dad Ryan is sitting next to Charles. Grandma and Grandma also came each week to cheer Jaden on.
Brynnlee had lots of opportunities to practice her clapping at these games.
This season was really fun to watch. I think it was good for me to have a child play something that was not soccer. Instead of getting frustrated, I was able to enjoy watching Jaden learn and improve each time he played.
Jaden's first game was hilarious. Because he didn't get a coach until right before the first game, his team didn't get to participate in the instructional clinic held the week before the season began. Not only that, but at this age, they don't hold practices during the week at all. It was obvious most of these kids were totally clueless as to what to do once the whistle was blown.
First Game (Green Team)
It was pure comedy to watch the first few games. A little painful at times, but a good laugh nonetheless.
When we asked Jaden what he liked about playing basketball, he said, "sitting on the bench." Poor kid.
After a few games Jaden started moving around more with the bunch. He wasn't really sure about wanting to actually touch the ball, but at least he acted like he was part of the game a little more.
(White Team)
The second half of the the season was when Jaden really started to enjoy basketball. Charles also started to help coach the team.
Jaden began practicing more with my dad and also with Charles whenever he had the chance. His skills improved, he started to want to touch the ball during his games. It was exciting to watch his transformation.
(White Team)
By the last game I would even venture to say he was one of the best on his team. (I guess that's the only perk of being on a losing team!) He ran up and down the court, he dribbled a lot, he passed a lot, but he didn't shoot much. He did, however, make 2 baskets this season. It was so exciting!
Last Game (Green Team)
Jaden was sad for the season to end. He is looking forward to the next Jr. Jazz season. He still practices in the backyard whenever there's no snow on the ground. Way to go Jade!