Before we found out the gender of our baby, we had been asking the boys what they thought it would be, or what they wanted it to be.
Jaden: BOY!
Kaleb: Boy! We hate girls!
A little bit later my mom had taken Jaden to Walmart with her and as they were passing some girly aisles, Jaden said, "Ew! Why do we have to look at GIRL stuff?" My mom said, "Well, now that Kare is having a girl we need to start. What about if YOU have a girl in your family?" Jaden said, "Yuck! I don't WANT a girl!" Then he leaned closer to my mom and whispered, "But really I do."
Then Kaleb changed his mind too. Whenever we asked the boys what they wanted, a brother or a sister, they always said, excitedly... "A sister!"
I don't know what made them change their mind, but I'm glad they did. :)
Now that I seem to be over the initial shock, I can blog about this week's news. We're having a girl!
I still don't quite understand the orientation of this next image. During the ultrasound I was so busy looking for a piece of "manhood" in the picture that I forgot to look for the other possibility: "3 white lines." I had seen the evidence so quickly with Bradley that I was sure I'd spot it fast with this one. But, kinda hard to spot what's not actually there. :)
Since this was most likely my last baby ultrasound and my memory sucks, I'm going to write a little bit about it while it's still fresh in my mind.
First of all, it began with agonizing pain. They make you drink 32 oz. of water an hour and a half before your appointment. Kinda crappy, when water makes you nauseous. Not only that, but you can't relieve yourself until after the first part of the appointment. To a pregnant woman who pees like every 15 minutes... that is what I call cruel and unusual punishment. I was cursing myself for not bringing a change of clothes. I was positive I was going to pee my pants. And then having them poke my bladder for the first 10 minutes of the ultrasound? I was sweaty and close to tears.
Then I was given the green light for relief. Ahhhh... As Jaden says, "This is paradise."
So then I went back out and laid down again to finish the ultrasound, but I was exhausted. It had taken so much energy to hold all that in. I kept having to tell myself, "Do not fall asleep right now, do not!" But this sonogram tec was either new, or just really thorough because he took forever. I remember that my ultrasounds with all the boys seemed to last only 30 minutes tops. This one lasted an hour. Which would be awesome if I wasn't dead tired and he didn't insist on waiting till the end to tell us the sex.
Anyway, long story, short, we learned that baby looked good, and then finally he said, "Okay, last bets... girl or boy?"
I said, "Boy."
Charles said, "Girl."
The tec said, "It's a girl."
I said, "Oh my gosh!"
Charles said, "I know, I saw it at the beginning when you were trying to figure out the baby's orientation."
The tec, said, "So did I. There was a pretty clear shot right there at the beginning."
What?! Charles knew that whole time and didn't tell me? Muffed.
Anyway, here are the boys' reactions when we told them:
Bradley: "Baaaaby! Giiiirl!" (He also points to his own tummy and says he has one too.)
Kaleb: (Big smile and elbow dance) "Bradley's gonna fall in loooooove. Bradley's gonna fall in loooooove."
Me: Are YOU gonna fall in love?
Kaleb: I'm already in love. With Brooke and Kalissa. And Jaden is in love with Kaitlyn, Kyla, and __(I forgot)__."
Me: Oh, so Bradley will be in love with his sister, huh?
Kaleb: Yep. Bradley's gonna fall in looooove. Bradley's gonna fall in loooooove.
I guess that's not so strange considering Bradley doesn't have friends his age. :)
I was really sad that I had to wait till Jaden came home from school to tell him. I thought about going to his school, or pulling him out for the day just so I could tell him quicker. But then I realized I would probably just embarrass him. :(
When he walked through the door, I asked him how his day was and gave him a hug. When he was done talking:
Me: Guess what? We found out! Do you think it's a boy or a girl?
Jaden: (Wide eyes, crouching down a little, and pulling his fists to his chest,) Girl! Girl! Girl!
Me: You're right! It's a girl!
Jaden: (Throws his arms up in the air, his head tilting back) YAAAAAAAY!
Kaleb has been so sweet about his little sister. He kisses my tummy many times throughout the day, and says, "I love my sister. I'm gonna kiss her everyday." He also has gotten a headstart on the protective role. He has informed me that, "if anyone is mean to her, I will betect her! If they don't stop, I will punch them! And sword them! Right through the stomach!" He has also taken it upon himself to teach Bradley that she will be so so so so little. And that you have to be so careful and soft with tiny babies.
My boys are the cutest. They will make AWESOME big brothers to this little girl. I love how pumped they are. I'm really excited and Charles is too... deep down... underneath all the anxiety. :) I can't wait to meet her.