I say it over and over and over again, "I have GOT to write that one down!" I think I will never forget those moments, but I do! I've never been big on keeping a journal... in fact, I have a few journals from when I grew up where I did really good for like a week or a month, but the rest of the book is blank. I even have a small notebook where I started writing a few things about each of my kids. But same scenario... did well for about a week, then blank. So because blogging has become so much more do-able for me, I am just going to record what little bit of info that I have already written for my kids, just so everything is all in one place.
Everyone always talks about what an easy baby Jaden was. Like when he cried, he used to always do it with his mouth closed!... so considerate!

When Jaden was a Sunbeam, we started to try and hold Family Home Evening each week. We started to teach him about Joseph Smith and then decided to show him the animated story on DVD. Well that just opened up a million questions for him.
"Why is he sick? What's wrong with his leg? Why does he want to die? Why is that man yelling? What is that he is drinking? What is alcohol? Why did the forest get dark?Who is Satan? Where is Satan? Does Satan kill you? What's a Spirit? Does Satan have blood and bones? Why is Satan mean? Does he live here?
On and on and on... So that led to a later FHE lesson on what a spirit is, and who Satan is etc... Well after many many questions and discussions with him on this subject, Jaden's preschool teacher, Miss Alyssa, came to me one day to tell me what had happened in class. She said that they were learning about bones and how bones help keep the body together. They made little bodies out of playdough to show how flimsy our bodies would be if they had no bones. She was about to show them (using toothpicks) how bones help give the body structure, when Jaden raised his hand and said,
"I think that is Satan. Satan has no blood and no bones, so I think that is Satan." Miss Alyssa said she LOVED hearing that comment. She said that she too is LDS and loves hearing these kinds of innocent comments from children.

Another thing we have been teaching Jaden about Satan is that Satan wants you to make bad choices. So while Jaden was a Sunbeam, if he did something wrong like, get up super early in the morning and find a package of Starburst and use scissors to cut them open, eat them all up and then hide the wrapper in in the couch cushions... his response would be,
"Satan was here and he told me to do it. He just came in through the door and made me do it!"
Hmmm... I'd love to blame Satan too, but the truth is probably that he's been watching his mommy's bad example!

When we lived in Cascade Springs Apartments in 2008, and Jaden had just turned 4, Charles took Jaden to go play at the playground. Jaden was learning to be brave and talk to other kids. He ran right over to them and started talking. Charles couldn't hear what was being said, but the other kid appeared to be about 11 or 12 in age. Well, Jaden turned away from them and walked back to Charles with his shoulders hanging and said to him a sad voice,
"Those kids don't want to play with me." "Why not?" asked Charles.
"They called me a...a... a-Dorable."
"Mommy guess what? Corduroy's daddy drinks a cup of coffee EVERYDAY!""He does? How come?""Because it helps him everyday.""Who else drinks coffee?""Only grown-ups.""Not kids?""No.""Why not?""It's too strong for kids.""Do we drink coffee?""No.""Why not?""I don't know.""Because Heavenly Father wants us to keep the Word of Wisdom and not do anything that will harm our bodies. He wants us to stay healthy, so he doesn't want us to smoke or drink alcohol or even coffee.""Corduroy's daddy drinks 2 cups of coffee each day.""That's okay, he's still a good... bear. He can make his own choices and we still love him just the same.""Well Corduroy's daddy follows his OWN Lord.""Well that is okay too!"
And by the way... Jaden also gave Corduroy a middle name. His full name is
Corduroy Rorducoy Socci.*******
So we have been trying to enroll Jaden in different activities/sports to see what he might be interested in. When he was 3 we tried a gymnastics class at a rec center... kind of a Parent/Toddler thing. He wouldn't even go inside. He refused. So we tried something else. When he was 4 we tried a Beginners Introduction to to sports class. This was where he could learn a little bit about different sports (soccer, baseball, basketball and football.) He participated about half of the time, and then slowly lost interest all together. So we pulled him out. A few months later, his preschool class went on a field trip to a Martial Arts class. They learned about "Stranger Danger" and what to do if a stranger grabs hold of them. Jaden loved it. He couldn't stop talking a bout it. Charles did Judo when he was a kid and really liked it. Se we searched for a class with a reasonable price. We finally decided on a Hap Ki Do class at the community center in Daybreak. It works out nice because it is affordable and we have my mom (who lives in Daybreak) for a babysitter. I started the class with Jaden because I was under the impression that it was a Parent/Child class. But it is really just an "all ages" class. So I figured I would just drop out when Jaden became comfortable enough. But Charles thought I should keep taking the class. So I did and it has really grown on me. It's challenging and fun, but the best part is being able to watch Jaden and know what he is doing and what he is learning. The first few weeks he stayed very close to me and didn't join in ALL the time. But here we are, 2 months into it and he just LOVES it. He earned the money to pay for his uniform by doing 70 jobs, each worth 50 cents.

It took him and I a whole month to earn the uniforms, but it is amazing the confidence that wearing it has given him. He goes straight to my mom and dad's house afterwards (when we pick up Kaleb and Bradley) and shows everyone what he has learned and then sometimes he like to pretend to be the instructor and teach everyone. He has learned how to count in Korean and for a while, started to count WITH our instructor during class. This was, of course, not what he was supposed to do, but being the youngest and newest member of the class, no one wanted to stop him. All the adults were very impressed with him. But after a while, he realized that no one else was counting along and so he stopped. But at home he counts all the time and has even taught Kaleb. We are both White belts, but Jaden keeps telling me he wants to be on the "green team."
One night when Jaden and I were walking to Hap Ki Do class, I asked him if he wanted to
hold my hand. He said, "
Sure!" I told him it made me so happy that he wanted to hold my hand in public. :) I asked him if he would still hold my hand when he turned
"Sure!""When you're 10?""Sure!""When you're 12?""Sure!""When you're 16?""Sure!""18?""Sure!""21?""Sure."
I asked him if he would
sign a contract stating his very words. He told me he would
always hold my hand in public if I wanted. I told him I would
write this in his Journal and hold him to it! Okay, Jaden?! :)
*******When Kaleb was learning to be mobile, he never learned to crawl. Instead he would sit on his bum with his legs straight out in front of him, and
scoot forward. He could actually get around pretty fast that way. He would chase Jaden, go after a ball, come to someone with his his arms outstretched ready to be picked up... all by scooting on his bum!
Kaleb is too funny. Most of the time when he means to say "I" he says, "my."
"My want cereal."
"My hungry."
"No... my too scared."

When Kaleb was learning how to say people's names, he would say anyone's name... except his
Say Mama.Mama.Say DadaDada.Say JadenDay-naSay Kaleb*silence*
Say GrandmaGammaSay GrandpaAh-PaSay Kaleb*silence*

Months later, he learned how to say his name. And you were not allowed to call him anything but his name.
Hi Pumpkin.My not pungkin. My KAYBUB!Hi sweetie.No, my not sweetie, my KAYBUB!or just straight up... in a frustrated tone...
It's KAYBUB!!!!*******
The Christmas after Kaleb turned 2, Grandma and Grandpa Socci, and Auntie Amber came to visit. Kaleb had just learned how to pray and loved to say the blessing at dinner. So of course, he volunteered while they were here. During this visit, Kaleb would never call Amber by her name. Just wouldn't do it. Instead he called her "Stinky." And so during the prayer he thanked Heavenly Father for each person sitting at the table, and when he got to Amber he said, "and thank you for... Stinky!" And then he just laughed and laughed. Later Amber was laughing about it, and she said, "I can't believe he called me "Stinky" during Grace!" There's a 2 year old for you!

This isn't that actual prayer, but it's one of his first prayers.
Kaleb has been so sweet with Baby Bradley, or "Beebee Blabley." He pets his little head and talks softly, which is kind of hard this 2-year old in particular! He also gives him his special blanket and bear (which is very generous!) When Bradley gets upset, Kaleb does what Jaden used to do for
him. He says, "It's okay Beebee. Kaybub here. Kaybub here." And if that doesn't help he sings him Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... just like Jaden used to do for
him. It's so cute that he knows what to do for Bradley, just by knowing what Jaden would do for him.

Kaleb is so... intense. He is either extremely happy... or extremely mad. Sometimes when he is in his extremely angry moods...

I have found that in order to get him back to extreme happiness, I just need to make him laugh. And right now, the only surefire way of producing such an outcome is by using his favorite "yucky" word...
Stinky. After months of fighting the use of this word, I have given up. Timeouts just don't phase him. So... if you can't beat 'em... join 'em. Kaleb will crack up every time.

Charles, Jaden and Kaleb have a nightly ritual. They rough house. They either play Loins, or Tougher, Karate or Stinky Ball. It is the cutest thing.

They all have pretty amazing lion roars, and they really act the part. They use claws, and swat at one another, they play on all fours, and pretend to fall down and die, while Kaleb says, in his best Scar voice, "Long... live... the king!" It's pretty intense!
When they play Tougher, Charles will say, "Who's tougher?!" and the boys will respond with, "I'M TOUGHER!" as they rip off their shirts and charge towards Charles. Most of the time, when they boys run at him, Charles will just flip or toss them over his head and onto the couch. Every once in a while he lets them take him down.
Jaden likes to practice his Kap Ki Do moves on a target. When
Charles isn't the target, he will hold a pillow for Jaden to kick and punch. Kaleb likes to watch and learn from Jaden. He's not too shabby!
Stinky Ball
Another nightly game the boys like to play with Daddy, was created by Kaleb. He calls it "Stinky Ball." This is where they get my big yoga ball and have Charles throw it at them. Sometime they play on the stairs, and sometimes up on the landing. But they are laughing uncontrollably the
entire time. Good ol' Stinky ball.
Bradley is 4 months old and is THE smiliest baby ever. He will smile
every time you look at him. He can win over anyone. Like at the Ashton Family Christmas party... he was passed around to like everyone. And he would just smile and everyone would say, "Awwww, he's so precious!" "Can I take him home with me?" "He's such a good baby!" "He is just so adorable!" I tried to get him back a few times, but no one ever wanted to give him up! This is typical Baby Bradley. I love it!

Bradley is amazing. I joke around that he is my Jonathon Collins. I have all sisters in my family. We grew up with the Collins Family. (a family of 4 boys followed by a girl) It has been interesting to me, to compare the similarities of my 1st boy with their first boy, my 2nd with their second, and now my 3rd with their third boy.

Jaden is my Andrew... inquisitive, a little shy, and very tender-hearted. Kaleb is my Keith... energetic, intense, scrawny, a little rebellious and seems to be a natural when it comes to sports. Bradley is my Jonathon. My Mose. He is laid back, easy going, has a little more meat on his bones, and is just happy. He is VERY low-maintenace... which, for the 3rd child under the age a of 5, a mom can really appreciate that kind of temperament!

He is so huggable and cuddly, and patient, and quiet, and angelic... I could go on forever!
Lately I have begun to realize how much Bradley loves me. He's very sweet and makes me feel awesome! It's so nice to feel wanted and loved. Especially by one who can't talk. I'm hardly ever away from him, but when I am he has been so sad. He cries (real tears!) But it's so not
like him. I know him as a happy-go-lucky and easy going baby. But when I am gone he just cries and whines... a lot. It makes me pity whoever is watching him, but I'm not gonna lie... I love it! I feel so happy to feel loved and missed! When I walk in the door he is so happy to see me. It is so sweet! As much as I prefer to be a stay at home mom, I
do envy the reactions that Charles gets from the boys each day when he walks through the door. He is always missed. :)

Closet Walker
I'm pretty sure Bradley is a closet-walker. He's 14 months old, and I can't actually state that he is an official walker. The most I have seen him do is 3 or 4 steps in a row. However, other people say that they have seen him just
take off. So when I try and get him to walk in front of me, he either just lifts up his legs, or will take a couple steps before resuming his crawl position. Sometimes I spy on him when he is playing by himself. He is standing. In the middle of the room. He starts to walk. The second he sees me, he is back on all fours. Why won't he show me? I went to get him from his nap and he was at one end of his crib. He saw me and
ran to the other end and dove down and hid. 4 or 5 steps, but
running! I try to get him to show me again... Nothing. Crazy. So really, who
knows when he started walking? Cuz I sure don't!