BUT. As Jaden says, and I'm not sure where he got this from... "Socci's never quit!" I will blog on. One cool thing about each kid. Let's start with...
Bradley turned 1 year old this month. We had a little party at my parents' house, which was extra special because my 2 long lost sisters and their families were in town that week. So here we have the cousins running around, partying, and... burying their Aunt Alli in balloons.
We started with birthday presents because the cake was going to be a mess! Bradley actually did a pretty decent job opening some of his own gifts.
And he actually dug into his cake. Jaden didn't like to get messy, and Kaleb, didn't mind too much, but Bradley got into an messed up over half of the cake. Big improvement for my family!
And he was also sweet enough to share. :)
Okay, next we have...
Oh boy. This has been something I have been seriously dreading. He's not the most compliant kid on the block. We have more timeouts with him than we can even count. And so trying to bring in potty-business into the mix was definitely NOT something I was looking forward to... at all. Plus we had so much going on over the summer, that it really was difficult finding a good stretch of time where we could actually focus on HIM. Well, the time came. Ugh. But he's doing alright. Here he is checking out his work...
And here he is showing off his Buzz Lightyear underwear.
The amazing thing about the potty-training experience is that he has had a major attitude adjustment. You remember that little video where he says "I hate you!" to me? Well ever since we started training him and giving him huge amounts of attention and praise, he has become so much more loving. I'd say that for every "I hate you" we get, it has been preceded by at least 40 "I love you"s. He says it all the time. It never gets old. Amazing what a little more praise and attention can do.
And lastly...
He only gave me goofy smiles. Punk.
Starting the short walk to school
And here's a bonus:
The kids found the Halloween costume box and had a little fun.